Human Powered Movement (MJ Bratton's inhouse consumer facing brand) was recently featured in the local media following the South Fork Sampler: A Multisport Adventure Race that benefitted client Catawba Riverkeeper. Local Journalist Janiya Winchester shares her first person perspective after participating in the inaugural event throughout the South Fork River corridor in Gaston County. Media Coverage: South Fork SamplerWe sought out and selected target audience rich platforms to align the refreshed HELT Design brand as means to further introduction and raise awareness of this long standing brand in the Charlotte architectural marketplace. A full page add was strategically placed in the March/April double issue of QC Exclusive's "The Home Issue" to ensure readers see, know, and understand the high-end architectural design capabilities of HELT. Intentionally selected, this placement will attract 75,000+ readers with a Avg HHI of $200K and a prominent share of the 275,000 digital impression to provide our client ample coverage and penetration in this space. Media: HELT Design - Ad Placement |
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